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MECS® Sulfuric Acid Operator Training Simulator

MECS® Operator Training Simulators (OTS) and Solutions

Operator training for MECS® sulfuric acid technologies:

Ask any operations manager what separates their best operators from the pack and you’ll get the same answer: knowledge and confidence. The best operators know what to do and when to do it, with confidence that is honed by years of experience and deep process knowledge.

But cost pressures, employee churn, and the threat of the “boomer retirement wave” are challenging companies to find new ways to train and develop their teams more quickly than ever.  Operations teams have to turn good operators into great operators in years, not decades.

To help our customers solve this problem, Elessent Clean Technologies has developed a suite of Operator Training Simulators (OTS) and operator training programs. Using world-class technology and instructors with decades of industrial experience, we deliver high-impact training that translates to faster skills development, better long-term skills retention and deeper process understanding than conventional methods.

Each product combines MECS® subject matter expertise with the Elessent world-class training and safety culture. Our training simulators are built on our proprietary dynamic simulator engine (TMODS™) and can be fully customized to match plant configuration, individual conditions, compositions, control schemes, safety interlocks and user interfaces. Each MECS® OTS product is:

MECS® OTS product

TMODS™ is a dynamic simulator engine, developed and used by Elessent since 1988 as a critical software tool to simulate processes and train operators on major product lines including Elessent™ Kapton®, Elessent™ Neoprene, Elessent™ Kevlar®, and Elessent™ Teflon®. TMODS™ is the most widely used process dynamics simulator in Elessent. It is supported by the process dynamics and control group in Elessent engineering research & technology. 

For further details on our MECS® operator training simulator sulfuric acid plants.