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Climate Impact

Climate Impact

Global warming and climate change have caused increasingly hot temperatures resulting in drought, harm to food production, flooding and more severe weather across the globe which is affecting our communities, industries and overall heath.

Elessent’s foundation was built on the desire to address social change through environmental stewardship. As an advocate in the fight to tackle the climate crisis, we routinely work with our clients to help them achieve net zero goals, as well as innovate new technologies and products to assist in decarbonization, heat recovery and mist elimination.

Climate Impact Stats

MWh of Energy Recovered

Carbon free energy is a reality! Did you know? A 3,000 MTPD MECS® sulfur burning sulfuric acid plant with HRS™ can recover up to 333,000 MWh of energy per year – carbon free! Learn more here.

Homes with Annual Energy Needs Met

28,000 – Approximate number of homes whose annual energy needs can be met by a single 3,000 MTPD MECS® sulfuric acid plant with HRS™ technology. Carbon Free Energy! 

Passenger Vehicles Offset

63,000 – Approximate number of passenger vehicles whose GHG emissions can be offset by a single 3,000 MTPD MECS® sulfuric acid plant with HRS™ – carbon free energy! 

Reduction of Particulate Matter (kg/yr)
In 2022, our BELCO® gas cleaning technology was used in projects that resulted in a reduction of particulate matter of over 1.3 million kg/year. That’s equivalent to almost 100,000 thirty pound bags of dog food … that’s a LOT of pups!
Tons of CO2 - equivalent Emissions Eliminated per Year
Did you know? A 3,000 MTPD MECS® sulfur burning sulfuric acid plant with HRS™ can eliminate up to 290,000 tons of CO2 – equivalent emissions per year. Learn more here.