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MECS® DynaWave® SRU Scrubber: Sennuba™ Plume Suppression Technology

Going Beyond Expectations Thanks to MECS® DynaWave® SRU Scrubber With Sennuba™ Plume Suppression Technology

All wet scrubbers generate steam. While a visible steam plume from the stack is harmless, it is visually unappealing and contributes to a public perception of pollution.

The traditional solution to suppress steam plume formation from SRU tailgas scrubbers relied on gas-to-gas heat (GGH) exchangers. The MECS® DynaWave® Sennuba™ plume suppression technology offers several advantages over conventional GGH technology:

  • Low capital expenditure
  • Minimal risk of plugging
  • Improved corrosion control
  • Based on standard refinery shell and tube ASME TEMA exchanger design

MECS® DynaWave® SRU Scrubber With Sennuba™ Plume Suppression Technology

How Sennuba™ Heat Recovery Plume Suppression Technology Works

There are three common methods to suppress steam plume formation: subcooling the gas, diluting the gas or reheating the gas stack.

Subcooling of the gas requires the use of cooling water in the scrubber circulation loop to cool the gas to 30 °C or lower. This typically requires a redesign of the scrubbing system.

Gas dilution entails mixing of hot air or combustion gases with the stack gas to lower the gas dew point. This option may not be viable in some cases due to local regulations.

The third option is to reheat the gas. This can be achieved using an external energy source and a gas-to-gas heat exchanger, which would translate into high operating costs.

The Sennuba™ plume suppression technology, however, reheats the gas by exchanging the stack gas with the gas coming into the scrubber using two heat exchangers and a heat transfer medium. The technology, therefore, does not need an external energy source nor results, in high running costs.

The Sennuba™ technology uses two separate thermoshyphon shell and tube heat exchangers as well as steam and condensate as a heat transfer medium. Incoming hot gas vaporizes the condensate and creates steam in the Hot Side Exchanger. This steam heats the scrubber exit gas and condenses in the Cold Side Exchanger before returning to the Hot Side Exchanger. This design means there is no forced circulation of the heat transfer medium. The process gas/stack gas flows through the tube side. Steam is kept on the shell side. There is no chance of leakage of the process gas directly to the stack gas.


The Benefits of Sennuba Plume Suppression Technology

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