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Elessent Clean Technologies Solutions for Emissions Reductions From the Iron and Steel Industries

Advancing the Steel Industry to a More Sustainable Future

The steel industry is driving a critical shift towards more sustainable practices in one of the world’s most essential sectors. As global steel demand grows, so does the need for innovative solutions to reduce emissions and minimize environmental impact. Steelmaking processes can produce significant levels of CO2, NOx, SOx, particulate, and other emissions, posing environmental challenges. However, with advancements in flue gas cleaning technologies for carbon capture, and other carbon reducing technologies, the industry is transitioning towards greener production methods.

These developments are essential for meeting the increasingly stringent environmental regulations and for contributing to global decarbonization efforts. Elessent solutions available now can be applied to steel plant processes including pelletizing, sintering, reheat furnaces, blast furnaces, basic oxygen furnaces, Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF), Directed Reduced Iron (DRI), and coke oven gas treatment.


Low Temperature NOx Reduction

Reducing NOx emissions is becoming progressively more important as environmental regulations grow more stringent. In steel manufacturing, this task can be challenging because the temperature of flue gases may be too low for traditional Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems to operate efficiently, which typically leads to high operating costs due to the need for flue gas reheating.

Elessent’s unique low-temperature NOx reduction technology provides an effective solution, allowing for NOx removal without the need for reheating the flue gas. These systems use oxidation processes to convert NOx compounds into water-soluble substances, which can be easily removed from the flue gas. This approach not only reduces operating costs but also improves overall system efficiency. The ability to remove multiple contaminants in a single treatment system offers steel manufacturers a practical and reliable NOx control solution.

Carbon capture technology is key to reducing CO₂ emissions in the steel industry, making it a critical component of the global effort to transition towards low-carbon manufacturing. Effective carbon capture systems require thorough cleaning of flue gases to remove particulate matter, sulfur oxides, and aerosols, which ensures optimal performance and minimizes secondary emissions.

Elessent’s flue gas cleaning systems are designed to meet the stringent requirements of carbon capture applications. These systems efficiently cool, quench, and clean gas streams to the strict requirements of carbon capture systems, optimizing the efficiency and reliability of those systems. Their compact design and ability to integrate with existing systems make them a versatile solution for a variety of steel plant operations.

Flue Gas Cleaning for Carbon Capture

Wet Scrubbing

Wet scrubbing technologies are critical emission control systems in the steel industry. These systems are highly efficient and versatile, capable of handling the complex gas streams that result from steel production processes. Wet scrubbers are designed to remove a wide range of pollutants, including SOx, NOx, particulate matter, and acid gases such as HCl and HF, all within a compact, reliable design.

Elessent offers two wet scrubbing technologies featuring robust, non-plugging designs that can be configured to meet the specific needs of each application, ensuring long-term reliability even under the most challenging conditions. BELCO® gas cleaning and DynaWave® wet gas scrubbing technologies have the ability to achieve high removal efficiencies for multiple contaminants in a single operation which makes these technologies ideal solutions for steelmakers looking to meet strict environmental standards while optimizing space and operational costs.

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