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Month: February 2023


MECS Enables High Purity E-Grade Acid Production in 90% Of Facilities in Key Production Countries

ST. LOUIS, USA, MECS, Inc. (MECS), a subsidiary of Elessent Clean Technologies (Elessent), is the licensor of choice for the production of high purity sulfur trioxide and oleum that is required for high purity e-grade acid production used in the rapidly growing semiconductor industry. Ninety percent (90%) of e-grade acid plants in the key production countries of Taiwan, Korea, United States, and Japan have selected MECS® technology and equipment to ensure the most reliable production of these critical e-grade acid feedstocks. Further solidifying the company’s foothold in the marketplace and deepening the experience gap among competitors, MECS was recently selected to supply propriety technology and equipment to clients in the U.S. and Taiwan to enable production of high-purity e-grade acid for the global market.

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Hydrogen Safety in Sulphuric Acid Plants

Safety in sulphuric acid plants is a well-known and widely discussed topic. Industry turnover is a reality, and keeping new employees informed of hydrogen safety procedures is key to keeping plants fully operational and
incident free. Walter Weiss of Elessent Clean Technologies discusses the steps facilities need to take to prevent hydrogen incidents.

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PT Amman Mineral Industri Partners with Elessent Clean Technologies for Provision of MECS® Sulfuric Acid Technologies

ST. LOUIS, USA, Indonesian mining company, PT Amman Mineral Industri (AMIN), has partnered with Elessent Clean Technologies (Elessent) for the provision of a new smelter off-gas MECS® sulfuric acid plant equipped with MECS® DynaWave® wet gas scrubbing technology. The new plant will be constructed in Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia with anticipated startup in 2024.

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