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Steel pipes for industrial materials Engineering products, construction, factory equipment, steel pipes, metal

BELCO® Technology Offers Strict Low-Temperature NOx Reduction at EU Steel Company

In 2023, a global leader in steel production selected Elessent Clean Technologies (Elessent) for the provision of a BELCO® integrated gas cleaning solution for installation at their pellet plant for the removal of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), hydrogen chloride…

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Oil Distillation Oil refinery

Essar Stanlow Selects Belco® Technology for Carbon Capture Feed Gas Conditioning

Essar Oil UK Limited (Essar) has selected Belco Technologies Corporation (BELCO), a subsidiary of Elessent Clean Technologies (Elessent), to provide a gas cleaning system as part of the EET Industrial Carbon Capture Plant at the Stanlow refinery. This partnership marks a…

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Wet Gas Scrubber

ENAP’s Aconcagua Refinery Reduces Emissions With BELCO® Gas Cleaning Technology

The third quarter marked an important milestone for Chilean oil refiner ENAP Refinerías S.A. (ENAP) with the successful startup of their newly installed BELCO® wet gas scrubber at the Aconcagua Refinery located in Concón, Chile. This is the second BELCO® wet…

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