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Air Pollution Control


Air Pollution ControlIndustrial Waste Gas Emissions Control Systems for
Worry-Free Compliance

Heightened awareness of air pollution has led to ever more stringent environmental legislation both nationally and globally. Emissions from industrial processes such as sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulates are strictly limited by regulation to prevent harm to human health and the formation of smog and acid rain, as well as tropospheric ozone. Companies who want to be good neighbors in the communities in which they operate may even want to exceed air pollution control targets. Faced with a wide choice of options to limit industrial waste gas emissions, industrial companies require solutions that allow them to emit cleaner air that complies with current legislative emission targets in a way that’s both reliable and cost-effective.

Technologies to Support
Clean Air Solutions

Elessent Clean Technologies has been designing, manufacturing, installing and supporting clean air solutions for many decades. Through our portfolio, we offer a suite of leading emission control systems with designs and process chemistries tailored to specific application requirements so that we can help you find the solution that is right for you. Our air pollution control systems include: 

Industries Served

Elessent Clean Technologies designs spent sulf
Our distinctive wet gas sulfuric acid recovery pl
MECS® sulfuric acid plant technology, engineerin