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Month: April 2024

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Successful STRATCO® Alkylation Technology Startup at PetroChina Guangdong Refinery

PetroChina Guangdong (PetroChina), a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation, has successfully completed and surpassed all performanceguarantees for its groundbreaking 595 thousand metric tons per annum (KMTA) STRATCO® alkylation unit. These guarantees cover crucial aspects such as alkylate yield, research octane…

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IsoTherming Hydroprocessing – A Hydroprocessing Revamp Solution for Carbon Footprint Reduction

In the age of energy transition, the value of exploring more efficient and economicalprocesses to produce fuels reducing utilities is becoming much higher. The IsoTherming® hydroprocessing technology offers a cost-effective solution to revamp existingunits to consistently reduce utility consumption and increase…

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