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Statement on Supply Chain

Statement on Supply Chain

On January 1, 2012, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657) went into effect in California. The law is designed to increase the amount of information made available by manufacturers and retailers regarding their efforts to address the issue of slavery and human trafficking. Elessent complies with these laws by enforcing our policies on human rights and child and forced labor.

Elessent Efforts Include:

  • Verification – Elessent is committed to conduct its business in an ethical and responsible manner that supports and respects the protection of human rights.
  • Auditing – Audits by Elessent employees may be conducted on operations. The Audit function includes some human rights components.
  • Certification – Elessent includes child and forced labor and human trafficking questions as part of the supplier qualification program.
  • Internal Accountability – Compliance with this policy and applicable laws is the responsibility of every employee and contractor acting on our behalf. A supplier’s failure to correct any violation may result in the termination of the contractual relationship.